Tuesday, 4 December 2018

November Happenings and December Goals

November was a very busy month! I was introduced to several interesting people and events and also planned and developed more of the game prototype for it's first release in January.

November was full of small fixes and quality changes that were suitable to do in the small amount of time outside of business events and duties. Along with this I also set up the path tree system, which I hope to grow in to a unique, fun feature of the game.

There where a few intricacies to this system, such as unlocking (and locking in the case of two skill buttons on the same path) the correct buttons at the start and when a button is pressed/unlocked. This was easily solved by making a class that stores all the elements needed for the skill buttons including but not limited to; the type of buff/upgrade the button gives, the button(s) that it unlocks, the button(s) that it locks, it's locked/unlocked/inactive state and a buff description that shows in the tooltip.

Moving forward in December, I plan to finish the first truly playable prototype which is very exciting! This week I am working on the battle system, namely making it more repeatable, customisable and player ready.

If you're not following on twitter already, check it out! Most of my updates are posting there from now, although I'll be keeping the blog updated with my development progress, plans and goals from time to time.
Thanks for reading!